
Showing posts from May, 2018

Improvements to server-side synchronization and Dynamics 365 App for Outlook 7

The latest release of Dynamics 365 (online) version 8.2, gives the capability to track emails, appointments, and tasks in Outlook with a special Outlook category enabled through server-side synchronization. Assigning this special Outlook category to an email, appointment, or a task in Outlook will track the item to Dynamics 365. Similarly, removing the category from a tracked email, appointment, or task will untrack it in Dynamics 365.  new features in release Allow delegates to track mail and appointment on users’ behalf  If you allow another person to manage your email and calendar by providing them delegate access, then the delegate can track your emails and appointments by assigning the “Tracked to Dynamics 365” category.   Track multiple emails and appointments  Select multiple emails and categorize these as “Tracked to Dynamics 365” to track these in Dynamics 365. If you want to perform other tasks like Set Regarding, use Dynamics 365 App f